Afghanistan: A heroic resistance that puts us to shame
Gabriele Zamparini, The Cat's Dream
The Afghanistan’s puppet Karzai offered the Taliban "high position in a government ministry as a way to end the rising insurgency" in the country. The infamous peace talks propaganda, so effective for the Western minds, is something the Afghans seem to be immune. Reuters informed us: Karzai said U.S. President George W. Bush and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had both supported the idea of peace talks when he met them in the U.S. this month. Taliban spokesman Qari Mohammad Yousuf told Reuters from an undisclosed location that talks with Kabul were out of the question. (...) Forget the Neo-Con, the Neo-Dem, the Neo-Lib and the Neo-Nuts. The role the demonization and dehumanization of the (many, many, many...) Empire’s enemies has played in supporting imperialism and colonialism can be more easily seen in those Western liberal and progressive writers, journalists, intellectuals and anti-war movement’s planners who always resort to human rights, women rights, gay rights’ violations of the Empire’s enemy of the month as the reason why we, the enlightened people, can’t surely sympathies, let alone support the "other" peoples who try to defend themselves and resist against wars of aggression and occupations, which is to say, colonialism and imperialism. The word "resistance" is never used, as sympathy for those resistance fighters has never voiced by the same people who always express so generously sympathy and solidarity with "our troops"....
Afghanistan's Taliban has rejected an offer of peace talks from Hamid Karzai, the country's president, a spokesman for the group has said. Qari Mohammad Yousuf, a Taliban spokesman, told Reuters news agency from an undisclosed location on Sunday that talks with Kabul were out of the question all the time foreign troops remain in the country. He said: "Karzai government is a dummy government. It has no authority so why should we waste our time and effort?" (....) Karzai had said he would allocate some government posts to the Taliban and that both Hekmatyar and Omar could stand in the elections, due to be held in 2009, if they wanted power.,,
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