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Sunday, October 14, 2007

An Allergy...

Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues
Do you know anything about Allergies ? I remember a friend of mine who was highly allergic to dust and pollen (...) Now when an American or an Americanized utters the word FREE, I freeze... I freeze for a few seconds...I become immobilized, tetanized... As if my reptilian limbic system is preparing itself for a flight/fight response... I hyperventilate, gasp for air... My pupils dilate, my heart palpitates like a thousand drums, my muscles tense up, my neurons work at full speed, my cortisol level antes up, my adrenaline pumps in...and my immune system calls on its soldiers for the ultimate battle...The final battle against the enemy... I try to calm myself, take in a few deep breaths only to see my skin erupt in red patches, like a hundred little red hills made of prickly thorns...like stings from a thousand wasps...covering my body... Urticaria, I say to myself - Relax it's nothing but urticaria... Do you think I have become allergic to the word "Free", by any chance ?....


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