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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Blind Dates...

Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues
Ok, let me try again. How many motherfuckers, Americans and various other nationalities did it take to turn our women into forced " prostitutes" ? Are you shocked by the words "motherfucker" ? Everytime you "fuck" with one of us, you are a motherfucker... You are indeed fucking your own mother. Does not matter if she is 16 or 60. We are holders of that "essential knowledge" being the first and most likely the last around... And no, you know nothing about civilizations. You are too busy with "it". But our women do...They know everything about it. They saw it. They saw civilization in pieces, reflected in your eyes, whilst you were doing your thing... and whilst they thought of their kids and the bare, empty, rotting, dining tables... Despite their heavy make-up. Despite their dancing around some cigar smoker, horizontally mustached Antar. Despite waiting for those 5 dollars bills falling in their lap after some "motherfucker" like yourself, has thrown it their way. WE hold that knowledge....


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