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Sunday, October 07, 2007

True Colors...

Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues
... So why is everyone so shocked ? My grandmother who could not read and write used to tell me that the enemies of Iraq will never cease before they divide it and steal its resources. My grandfather recounting Britannia in Iraq used to say the same thing. My late father in the 80’s affirmed the same thing. My mother in her typical motherly fashion keeps repeating it today "See, I told you so, 20 years ago." So why are you so surprised or shocked?Now what amazes me most, is why is everyone suddenly "surprised" or "shocked" by the Biden Resolution ? Any true Iraqi knew it all along. And as Haroon Mohamed above, pointed out, that was the plan all along, ever since 1990. I would go even further, and assert that this was the plan all along, prior to Desert Storm in 1991 and I would add, prior to the Iran-Iraq war. When the Americans decided to invade and occupy Iraq and split it on ethnic and sectarian grounds, (kurds, shias, sunnis) were they not preparing for that day ? When they declared "Iqlim Kurdistan" a safe, protected area in the 90’s, where they not preparing for that day ? When the anti-war (another hahahahaha) sell outs, with Chomsky at their head, cried about the oppression of the Shias and the Kurds, were they not preparing for that day ?...


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