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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Kondracke Advocates Ethnic Cleansing Policy In Iraq, ‘Also Known As Winning Dirty’

Think Progress
Roll Call executive editor and Fox News contributor Mort Kondracke writes today that if President Bush’s escalation policy doesn’t work, his Plan B should be "winning dirty," which involves "accepting rule by Shiites and Kurds, allowing them to violently suppress Sunni resistance and making sure that Shiites friendly to the United States emerge victorious." Kondracke, the "left-leaning" counterpart to Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes on Fox News’ The Beltway Boys, acknowledges that his "winning dirty" policy will lead to ethnic cleansing: Winning will be dirty because it will allow the Shiite-dominated Iraqi military and some Shiite militias to decimate the Sunni insurgency. There likely will be ethnic cleansing, atrocities against civilians and massive refugee flows. He also reveals that at least one member of Congress agrees with his plan...
Since I find Jihad or Self Defense - because this is what Jihad is in its "warrior" sense - a legitimate right for any opppressed people. Would anyone call a guerilla fighter a Jihadist/terrorist? Not likely. Yet this is what a guerilla fighter is - a Jihadist. A ResisterThis deliberate amalgamation between the right to self defense i.e Jihad and Terrorism is serving a two fold purpose : 1) neutralize any form of Resistance and 2) alienate any support for a resistance movement by purposeful violent actions against innocent civilians. I think Al-Qaeda has done a beautiful job in that sense.


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