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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Backlash behind a Veil...

Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues
...Yes, I am very fed up. I am fed up of listening to sermons 24/7 about how women should dress, what they should wear, not wear, how thick your veil should be, how long your dress, coat, colors or black...sick and tired of this shit.Thousands of us women have fought only to see walking tents, clad in black covering their faces come and teach us about our religion.Scrap beyond the surface, beyond the appearances, and you will find out that 75% of these women used to walk around in miniskirts not too long ago. Enough ! But suddenly piety has fallen on them, and now they think they have to teach everyone what religion is all about. They read a couple of free pamphlets and they have become experts. This is not Islam, this is pamphlet Islam. A big difference (...) You are anti-people, anti-women, anti any form of liberation. But the worst part is that you are anti-Muslim. And because I LOVE Islam and what it stands for, I have to keep on denouncing you, your degenerate theories and your intellectual decadence.... continua / continued


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