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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How utterly deplorable and sick, Make you proud to be an American

Wonder if he brings it home to hang in the Oval Office, in the White House with the trophy of Sadams head and gun.
While the sword President Bush had slung over his shoulder like a clump of Crawford scrub wasn't specifically an executioner's sword -- in the same way a looped and knotted length of rope isn't specifically a hangman's noose or a Teflon-coated hollow-point bullet isn't specifically a cop-killer -- the resemblance was striking enough to send a message that the United States -- the shining city on the hill or whatever the hell Saint Reagan called it -- is willing to toss aside its commitment to human rights, justice and democracy in order to sniff the taints of our true global masters: the House of Saud which, last year, conducted at least 136 public beheadings in these so-called Chop Squares. It's also worth noting that during the same year in which President Bush delivered his second inaugural, the Saudis publicly beheaded 191 people.
It's also worth noting that 15 of the Hyjackers on September 11, where Saudis
Lest America forget!!!!!!


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