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Friday, March 21, 2008

FOX 'News' Selected to be Official Press Pool Broadcaster at the Democratic Convention!

Air America that is just like letting Republicans Foley and Craig babysit your baby.
Just heard Mike Rogers of blogactive.com , on the John Elliot's Air America Show, break and confirm this. The press office of the Democratic National Convention confirmed this, by phone, with Rogers. They've apparently known this since last September.
720-DNC-2008 (362-2008)
info@demconvention.com .
Office Location:
Democratic National Convention Committee, Inc.1560 Broadway, Suite 400Denver, Colorado 80202
Let's give them (and our Congress-peeps/DNC) a call and NOT let FOX/Murdoch edit and control the Convention feed.
FOX NEWS managing the video/audio feed and output from our convention???!!! WTF is wrong with the Democratic Leadership?Don't let this happen, please.


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