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Monday, April 28, 2008

John McCain taken to task over his lack of "straight talk" on tax policies

In today's New York Times, Paul Krugman takes John McCain to task over his lack of "straight talk" on tax policies. Krugman equates McCain's policies with an overall extension of the Bush White House, and suggests that he's made a fine parsing of McCain's plan saying, "those of us who looked hard at his policy proposals, especially on taxes, saw the shape of things to come." That shape?
And a look at what Mr. McCain says about taxes shows the same combination of irresponsibility and double-talk that, back in 2000, foreshadowed the character of the Bush administration.
Which is all well and good. But check out what Krugman shoehorns in at the end of his piece:
The impression that Mr. McCain's tax talk is all about pandering is reinforced by his proposal for a summer gas tax holiday -- a measure that would, in fact, do little to help consumers, although it would boost oil industry profits.
More and more, Mr. McCain sounds like a man who will say anything to become president.
Well, as we know from reading the New York Observer, the Times' columnists are not in the practice of endorsing candidates. That's a good thing, I guess, considering the fact that the candidate Mr. Krugman seems to prefer, Hillary Clinton, backs the same gas tax holiday.


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