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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rove's attorney tells MSNBC he'll testify in Siegelman case

Rove: I'll testify on Siegelman
In a new development in the Don Siegelman case -- the Democratic Alabama governor who was prosecuted and jailed for bribery in a trial that is now largely viewed as political -- Karl Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, told MSNBC Monday that Rove would testify if called to subpoena under oath.
Rove has decried the allegations of Alabama Republican whistleblower Dana Jill Simpson, who says she witnessed his involvement in the takedown of the governor. Siegelman was voted out of office and replaced by Robert Riley, a Republican.
On Dan Abrams' show Monday evening, Abrams said: "We asked this question to his attorney: Will Karl Rove agree to testify if Congress issues a subpoena to him as part of an investigation into the Siegelman case? The answer we got -- 'Sure.'" (Hat tip: ThinkProgress).
These videos are from MSNBC's Verdict, broadcast April 7, 2008. The first is the Rove specific clip; the second is of Siegelman's fuller appearance on the show.


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