Obama Muslim Smear Resurfaces: NYT Op-Ed Tags Obama As Muslim 'Apostate'
For a long while, presidential contender Barack Obama had to contend with a whispering campaign that suggested he might be some sort of Islamic fanatic. You know! It was all a part of his parents' master plan to destroy America by giving their son a middle name that would come to be shared by an Iraqi dictator that no one had even heard of at the time of Barack's birth! After a while, Obama got shot of that mess and was accepted as a Christian. But then! It turned out that his preacher had said three or four things that people found objectionable, and it turned out that said preacher enjoyed all the attention he got more than he did serving his faith, so Obama had to labor to get shot of that controversy. Well, it's been a few weeks since the nation has pointedly moved on from that matter, so I guess it's time for the pendulum to swing back to the Obama-as-secret-Muslim argument.
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