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Sunday, August 03, 2008

Poll: Should The USA Nationalize The Oil Industry?

Among the many who wrote about the release of oil profits information was Julia Werdigier, who says here, "Profits at oil companies this quarter continued to reflect oil prices that almost doubled in the second quarter from the year earlier.

Exxon Mobil on Thursday reported that second-quarter profit rose 14 percent, to $11.68 billion, the highest-ever profit by an American company. Exxon broke its own record."

She, and others went on to report that Exxon Mobil profit was $2.22 a share compared to $10.26 billion, or $1.83 a share, in the year ago quarter.

In addition, Royal Dutch Shell, the largest European oil company, saw a 33 percent increase in second-quarter profit.

She does not say anything much different than any of the others who reported on the profits reports. She appears to be accurately saying what she believes to be the truth, as far as she knows, about oil prices.

Further on, she like some others, goes on to lament that there was a "...13 percent drop from a record on July 11 raised some concern among investors about whether oil companies can keep up the pace of earnings growth. BP said earlier this week that higher oil prices have started to affect consumer demand for gasoline."

The MSM journalists all seemed to simply repeat the material given them, either ignoring reality, or ignorant, unknowing, that the post production price of gasoline, including delivery per gallon, is and has remained below three cents a gallon (Roughly $00.88-$1.49 a barrel. That is 89 cents to one dollar and 49 cents a BARREL) FOR years.

Nor do they mention that the current oil prices may well be fed by three things:
1)-A psychotic commitment by this administration and their friends in the oil business to destroy what remains of FDR'S New Deal.
2)-Payback, reimbursement for the lawsuits and fines after oil spills.
3)-A further attempt to drain the bank accounts of middle class America, which the Bushites see as a detriment in their avowed goal of enslaving the working class, by impoverishing them forcing the younger, healthier ones which cannot find jobs into the "Volunteer Military" so the (Ziek Heil!) Bushites might carry on their Hitlerite, Mein Kampf, and Prescott Bush, inspired Legacy of World Conquest. No, we are not seeing journalism here; we are not seeing editorialists here, we are seeing a customized Xerox copy of what they have been issued to write about. >>>cont.


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