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Thursday, September 25, 2008

National Enquirer Alleges Sarah Palin Affair With Brad Hanson

The National Enquirer is continuing its foray into politicians' personal lives this election season. Less than two months after the magazine's investigation forced John Edwards to admit an extramarital affair with Rielle Hunter, the Enquirer has identified what it calls "Sarah Palin's Other Man" — Todd Palin's former business partner, Brad Hanson.
According to the Enquirer, the identity of Palin's extramarital lover was confirmed by "no less than three members of the man's family including one by sworn affidavit."
One Hanson family insider, Jim Burdett, passed a "rigorous polygraph test," and went on the record telling the Enquirer, "I've known about Brad having had an affair for a long time, but it wasn't until just recently that I learned his affair was with Sarah Palin."
Another insider, who preferred to remain anonymous but provided the Enquirer with a sworn affidavit attesting to the affair, said, "Todd was away on business a lot and Sarah felt lonely. Brad was a good listener, and Sarah talked to him at length. Eventually, she real­ized she was falling in love with him."
The Enquirer has also taken credit for the announcement that Bristol Palin is pregnant, claiming that it was "triggered" by the fact that the magazine was about to break the news.
Courtesy of reader Amy.
Posted By Bob Cesca

Ilan Goldenberg, 09.25.2008
In her interview with Katie Couric, Palin essentially called Kissinger naive and also proved that she just hasn't done her homework on foreign policy.


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