Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator    

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Palin will need alot of briefing and a good memory because she thinks Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken over by the government because they were COSTING TAXPAYERS TOO MUCH MONEY!
It's the BAILOUT that will cost taxpayers too much money!! We are taking over what foreign interests won't have to pay!
More background from earlier:
which has the correct title for this Banana Republic - OUR FOREIGN MASTERS HAVE SPOKEN
The government had to do this or our system would collapse and we are paying for it - the middle class - not the poor (who are too poor to pay much tax) or the rich (who have had the tax cuts while we have had tax increases.)
If you can't buy a car or a house or send kids to college or even afford to have them - this is why.


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