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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Biden: 'Abuse of power' is 'most serious' abuse

A vote for Obama/Biden is a vote for your interests, Senators Clinton and Biden told the audience at a Scranton, Pennsylvania rally alongside former President Bill Clinton. Also, Biden called the upcoming election literally the most important in one's lifetime.
"I'm deputizing every one of you to make the that has to be made" to undecided family and friends, Sen. Clinton told the audience, "because Barack and Joe are not asking you to marry them... they're asking you to vote for them and vote for yourselves."
"This election is too important to sit on the sidelines of history," she added.
"There is the one most serious abuse a man or a woman, or a government, can engage in...is to abuse power," Biden noted in a segue to the economy. While no particular person was named, Biden's opponent, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, was found in a report released on Friday related to the "Troopergate" investigation to have abused her power in violation of Alaska's state ethics law. Gov. Palin, her husband Todd and their aides were accused of a campaign of pressure on state officials aiming to get their ex-brother-in-law, Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten, fired during his divorce battle with the Governor's sister. Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan was believed to have been let go because he refused to dismiss Wooten.



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