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Friday, October 03, 2008


VP Debate: One Gigantic Mistake by Sarah Palin ... Huge!
Sarah Palin overplayed her hand. It was deliberate and it was a major strategic mistake. (I am not now listening to the pundits so I do not know whether they caught it or not.) When asked what they would do if the Presidency were transferred by death of the President to them as Vice President, Joe Biden said he would follow the policies of Barack Obama because they are, indeed, his own policies, that they agree completely on them. Sarah messed this one up.
Sarah Palin who had just said that her campaign experience was a mere five weeks old, (in effect that she has been thinking Vice Presidentially for less than six weeks), said that John McCain picked a maverick because he is a maverick and that they don't agree on everything. She asserted that a Palin Presidency would not be a policy by policy continuation of a McCain Presidency. She said that she hoped for reinterpretation of Constitutional responsibilities of the Vice President. Her self-confidence got her way ahead of where the rest of us, including Republicans, think she is. She offered the chilling and all too possible prospect of a neophyte national politician asserting without public examination and accord the right to take the country in some new direction!
All I could think of was the pledge she made in St. Paul to fulfill "the mission" that she and John are on to "reform the country," her bizarre religious background, her trouble with people who have disagreed with her in city hall, Wasilla, and in Juneau, Alaska. She announced to my utter amazement that she would make her own maverick way in Washington! To quote Ray Romano's dad: "HOLY CRAP!"


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