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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Poll: Debate gives Obama boost(USA Today/Gallup)

Source: USA Today

WASHINGTON — Viewers had more confidence in Barack Obama's ability to deal with the nation's economic problems after his second debate with John McCain, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

More of those who watched said Obama did a better job than McCain during Tuesday's town hall debate in Nashville, the poll found, and they developed a more favorable opinion of the Democratic nominee.


Overall, 56% of those surveyed who watched said Obama did a better job in the debate, compared with 23% for McCain.

Among viewers contacted Wednesday, a day after the debate, 43% said they have less confidence in McCain on the economy, compared with 17% who expressed more confidence in the Arizona senator.

Obama received more confidence on the economy from 33% of those surveyed; 24% said they have less confidence in the Illinois senator.

Obama gained ground — and McCain lost ground — on issues of national defense and foreign policy in the wake of the Nashville debate. According to the poll, 33% said they have more confidence in Obama on foreign policy, as opposed to 27% who said otherwise.


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