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Thursday, January 29, 2009

How's this for a curiosity?

We posted earlier on this interesting finding by Think Progress, which found that in the discussion over the economic stimulus package, the cable news networks allowed GOP lawmakers to outnumber their Democratic colleagues by a two-to-one margin. How's this for a curiosity? The Fox News Channel did the best job of anyone in balancing the opposition. Naturally, that's a pretty surface-level observation that doesn't necessarily speak to the quality of each sides contribution to the debate, or how well one side was received over the other. MSNBC, on the other hand, seems to have gone out of their way to let on any conservative who wanted to to get in their licks. But again, this is a pretty surface-level observation.That said, Matt Yglesias neatly reiterates the standard Rule of Engagement, where booking decisions are concerned:
When the GOP is in power, it's important to have more Republican guests because they're the influential newsmakers. And when the GOP is out of power, it's important to have more Republican guests to provide an alternative point-of-view to that presented by the powers that be.
If you've got data points that disprove this contention, let us know!


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