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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Arab Bloggers Hail Turkey's PM "Leader Of The World" After Israel Slam

I thought good for you, when I was watching it, He was absolutely right to walk out.

Egypt: Erdoğan, Leader of the World

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip has new fans across the Arab world, notably in Egypt where one blogger went on to describe him as the “leader of the world.” Another sees fault in Arab leaders who are not standing up for the Palestinian cause.
By storming out of a debate at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and after the moderator refused to give him extra time to rebut Israeli President Shimon Peres' explanation of what happened during the Israel-Gaza conflict, Erdoğan is getting the thumbs up from bloggers.
Maher Mahmoud wrote in his blog Kelmety:


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