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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

AIG has a culture of complicity. "

Bush missing from USA Today/Gallup poll response options to question about AIG bonuses

Major media outlets yet to report IG testimony implicating Bush administration in AIG bonuses

Despite jumping on -- and in some cases advancing -- false Republican claims that congressional Democrats are responsible for AIG executive bonuses, major media outlets have yet to report that Neil Barofsky, a Bush-appointed special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), confirmed in March 19 congressional testimony that the Bush administration Treasury Department knew about the AIG bonus contracts and did not insist on their abrogation as a condition of AIG's receiving bailout money through a stock purchase agreement signed by AIG and the Bush Treasury Department. LinkHere

Media Matters - Memo to the media: Where's W?

The media's refusal to involve the Bush administration in any of a wide array of stories about the economy deprives their consumers of the very analysis of policies that would help them understand and evaluate proposals to address the crisis. Regardless of one's assessment of the Obama ...


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