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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rove Hypocritically Accuses Gibbs Of Sounding ‘Like Some Wise-Cracking Junior High Smart Mouth’

Rove calls Gibbs names
Rove’s holier-than-thou attitude is particularly hypocritical. It is Rove who has launched characteristically sleazy ad hominem attacks on his opponents. It is Rove who is planning to “name names” and single out Bush critics in his new book. And it is Rove who makes “sarcastic flip comments” about his rivals that make him sound like a “junior high smart mouth”:

– Echoing a right-wing smear, Rove called Obama “almost Marxian.”
– Referred to then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) as a “big blowhard doofus.”
– Slandered critics of President Bush as “elite, effete snobs.”

Of course, when Rove called his political opponents “Marxian,” “doofus,” and “snobs,” he was talking about the “real issues.”


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