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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Turley: Bush terror memos are 'very definition of tyranny'

Since the release on Monday of nine previously-secret Bush administration legal memos claiming that the president has the power to ignore the Constitution when fighting terrorism, experts have almost unanimously denounced both their legal reasoning and their conclusions."These memos provide the very definition of tyranny," Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann on Tuesday.

"These memos include everything that a petty despot would want.

"Turley believes, however, that there may be worse revelations yet to come. "These memos weren't written in a vacuum," he noted. "The question is what did they do in response? We know, among other things that they created a torture program. ... I think we're going to find out that this was the mere foundation for a greater edifice that has yet to be disclosed.

"The Justice Department has already indicated that it is considering releasing additional Bush-era legal opinions. LinkHere


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