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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Surprise recusal from judge

EXCLUSIVE: Rove-connected judge recuses self from appeal in case critics call political prosecution

There were startling new developments on Wednesday in a case of alleged political prosecution of a Mississippi attorney.Once-prominent attorney Paul Minor, jailed on charges of bribery, has alleged that his prosecution was politically motivated and timed to Mississippi's gubernatorial elections. He has also alleged that there was direct involvement by former Bush White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove.
Surprise recusal from judgeThe United States 5th Circuit Court of Appeals was scheduled to hear an appeal of the case today. Scheduled to serve on the three-judge panel were Judges Will Garwood, Priscilla R. Owen, and Catherina Haynes. This morning, however, only hours before oral arguments were to be presented, Judge Owen recused herself from the case.In August of last year, Raw Story reported on Judge Owen's possible conflicts of interest, including connections to former Bush White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove:


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