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Sunday, May 17, 2009

GOP Senator Graham Heckled, Jeered For Supporting Open-Tent GOP

Boehner, McConnell Cheer Cheney's Public Role
On Sunday, the top Republicans in both the House and the Senate affirmed that they were pleased with former Vice President Dick Cheney for taking an active and combative public role just months after stepping down from office.
John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, the House and Senate minority leaders, both expressed support for Cheney's attacks on President Obama during their respective Sunday show appearances. Boehner went so far as to say that the former VP's broadsides against the current White House "helps" the Republican Party.
"Dick Cheney is a private citizen and is entitled to his views," Boehner told CNN's State of the Union.
As for the possibility that Cheney was drowning out the younger and/or more moderate Republicans, Boehner replied that "having a chorus of voices out there" was better than none. "It doesn't hurt us," he said, "it helps us."


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