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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rachel Maddow, Eliot Spitzer Interview: Spitzer Discusses Financial Crisis And Past Escort Scandal


Blogger james20 said...

Spitzer's Man To Investigate Spitzer Cover-up
Paterson Appointee Is Spitzer Crony

Did you know, when Governor David Paterson fired the head of the New York Commission on Public Integrity because of the agency's willful attempt to leak information and derail the Spitzer/Troopergate investigation, he replaced him with... a stooge of Eliot Spitzer.

Although Commission officials were accused of keeping Spitzer's top aides apprised of material facts uncovered in the investigation, Paterson has appointed Michael Cherkasky, a longtime Spitzer pal and dirty tricks operative.

Spitzer literally blackmailed Marsh and McLennan Insurance into taking Cherkasky from the bowels of Kroll Investigative Services, owned by M & M, and promoting him to Chief Executive Officer of M & M. When company directors objected to Cherkasky's lack of insurance experience they were told that Spitzer would not settle fraud charges against the company unless Cherkasky was installed. "No Cherkasky -no settlement," one director told me directly.

Next time Eliot Spitzer brags about what a great attorney general he was try to remember this little illegal stunt and abuse of power.

www.STONEzone.com has the full story - worth a read!

14/5/09 4:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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4/3/15 12:06 AM  

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