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Thursday, August 06, 2009

Keep Your Goddamn Government Hands Off My Medicare!

At the risk of bringing down the digital wrath of blog-savvy oldsters, I've noticed that a considerable number of the anti-reform Republican "hooligans," as Rachel Maddow describes them, who turn up at various town hall meetings to shout incomprehensible loud noises just happen to be senior citizens. And while the old people who turn up to protest health care reform are, to come extent, victims of the usual Republican lies and disinformation, they're still adults and therefore responsible for their opinions, their actions and their ziplock baggies filled with crazy.
Yes, they've been tricked by Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh into believing that health care reform will somehow involve golden-grilled ACORN thugs showing up at bingo with a tray of syringes filled with black liberal death juice. Yes, they've been tricked by Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs into thinking that this "halfrican American" president with his terrorist pals and Kenyan birth certificate is trying to supplant God's U.S. government with a liberal fascist homocracy.
But failing to grasp the extraordinary contradiction evident in receiving Medicare benefits while simultaneously shouting nonsense about "government-run health care" is quite simply inexcusable. LinkHere
Reliable statistics clearly show that America does not have the "best health care in the world." You come in 46th in the world in terms of our infant mortality rate, and 50th when it comes to life expectancy; and these, and other, indicators are rapidly getting worse.

Widow Paints Plea For Reform After Husband's Death Without Health Care

In a Plea for Health Reform, a Widow Picks Up Her Paintbrushes


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