Malkin and Fox News Are Stalking Children Again
Bring on the Boogey Man, an 11 year old!!!!!!
In their zeal to promote their own ideology, anyone in the opposition is fair game, anyone in the opposition is a target.Sound familiar?
Michelle Malkin and Fox News Channel have finally blown the lid off the biggest conspiracy of our time. No, it's not the one about how the Obama administration is going to take over your computer, banish white people to FEMA camps, poison your tap water, murder your special needs children and strangle your grandmother with its government robot claws ("because they're made of metal and robots are strong").
It's a brand new conspiracy involving President Obama and an 11-year-old girl. The plot? To ask a question at a town hall meeting.
Scary. Run for your lives and all that.
Rewind to Tuesday afternoon when an 11-year-old girl asked President Obama a question about the "mean things" she observed on various protest signs outside. Malkin and other wingnuts swooped into action, investigating and exposing the girl's parents as -- shock, horror! -- supporters of the president. The girl's parents even donated some money and volunteered on the campaign.
Mind blowing, I know. It's like the Donald Sutherland scene in JFK.
But considering that there were literally millions of volunteers associated with the president's campaign, and considering that tickets for the event were available online where millions of supporters of the president typically hang out, it stands to reason that a few actual, you know, supporters would manage to acquire tickets.
Yet beyond this earth-shattering information uncovered by Malkin that Obama supporters attended an Obama event, there isn't any evidence whatsoever that the 11-year-old girl was coached or scripted by the White House. None. And, it goes without saying that Malkin and Fox News Channel are entirely ignorant of the fact that similar Bush events were revealed to be literally and entirely staged and scripted with attendees having to sign loyalty oaths.
Nevertheless, given that Republican hero Sarah Palin just recently warned everyone about attacking her kids, and given that there's no evidence of any White House meddling in this case, you would think both Malkin and Fox News Channel would back off and avoid the story, especially considering that the target was an 11-year-old child without any relationship to a public figure. Naturally, this would be the decent thing to do since there's no story here.
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