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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Max Baucus: "YouTubes" Coming From Out-Of-State To Harass Me

Max Baucus is a conservative Democrat from Montana who arguably holds the fate of health care reform in his hands. Another fun fact about Max Baucus is that he's accepted so goddamn much money from corporate health care interests this year that lobbyist cash is now permanently imprinted on his genome.
But now we have discovered something new about Baucus: THE INTERNET, IT SCURRS HIM!
" There were a couple of people in the crowd "with YouTubes," Mr. Baucus added (meaning cameras), and he posited that the agitators were paid and probably from out of state. ("I could just sense it," he said.)
If he's that afraid of the people with "YouTubes," just wait until he finds out about the people with Twitter! (Or, you know, the ones with assault weapons!)
Anyway, meet Max Baucus, who will play a large part in determining whether you get to see a doctor, ever. LinkHere


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