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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

No Hate Crime?

Sailor who killed self in brig was being watched
(Camp Pendleton, Calif.) Authorities say a Navy petty officer charged with murdering a Camp Pendleton sailor killed himself in a brig that was under video surveillance because he’d made two previous suicide attempts.
Jonathan Campos was on suicide watch when he apparently stuffed toilet paper in his mouth and suffocated Friday.
Pendleton spokeswoman Maj. Kristen Lasica-Khaner said Monday that a guard visually checked Campos every five minutes as Navy regulations require. However, there may have been a 36-minute gap between physical inspections.
The base is investigating.
Campos was charged with shooting Seaman August Provost on June 30. Family members questioned whether Provost was targeted because he was gay, but the Navy says it has found no evidence of a hate crime. LinkHere


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