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Friday, August 28, 2009

Town hall crowd jeers ‘death panel’ pushing GOP congresswoman

If you want evidence of the Dumbing Down of the United States, just listen to this woman talk for the nine minutes in the first clip. An absolutely astonishing lack of gravity, compassion, logic and honesty.
This woman is not a fool. However she is either, by definition, deranged... or she's a conscious and consistent liar.
1 of 10 Bachmann Healthcare Town Hall 8-27-09 Lake Elmo, MN

Here’s the complete video from Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s healthcare town hall meeting. I stayed up until 2 a.m. cutting it, converting it and throwing it up on YouTube, so you damn well better watch it.
Please excuse the random moving around and strange camera angles. As the discussion got more heated and more people started to yell at Bachmann it became necessary to move around the auditorium, which was already quite packed. The first clip is here and everything else is after the jump. You’re not going to want to miss her stupid Brett Favre joke!


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