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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Earth To Republicans

By Christy Cole

Excuse me Republicans of the United States. May I have your attention please...?

Thank You.

Now normally I do not bother to do this whole 'reaching across the aisle' thing. I have seen what happens to my type, (The liberal type), when they are foolish enough to believe they have anything you need and may want to share. I would like to keep all my fingers.

Most liberals choose to turn the other cheek. I am not that kind of liberal. I prefer to be a pacifist. But we rarely get what we want, do we?

And speaking, of what we all want, I was just wondering when you were going to do something about the murderous mad man in the White House that is looting every trust fund he thinks no one is watching? I mean, in spite of the fact that I am a liberal, it kind of seems like you would want to do something about it. You know, like stop him.

Why You? He is, 'Your Boy', after, all.

WHY would you want to do something like that? Well, because it is your childrens' future he is destroying, too. You can pretend only my children, and those Cindy Sheehan gave birth to will suffer, but these days of pretending, now have passed. People are dying. In droves.

Let us quit pretending all together, shall we?

This is not Bill Clintons' fault. This is not the fault of liberals. The blame does not in any way; belong on any act of God. It was not the UN, France, nor was it my fault. Chavez did not get us into this situation, nor did Ambassador Wilson or the Dixie Chicks cause so many to die. Frankly, I am sick and tired of your lack of focus and inability to hold your own to account. It is a national embarrassment and disgrace.

Over two thousand of our beloved sons have died for a tragic and evil farce. Some reliable sources place the Iraqi toll at over 100,000 souls whos' sacrifice has yet to be justified in any way whatsoever. Osama is sitting in his luxury bat-cave right now laughing at your boy. Laughing at WE.

Our elections are completely rigged; no one can afford gas, or even medical insurance for our children, because our nation has been bled dry. You are more worried about the soul of a child my womb secrets, then you are about the soul of the children starving to death and homeless on your own streets. Do fully developed Iraqi embryos count in that Culture of Life thing? For the first time in my entire life the Elderly Food Commodity Program is ended while your boy plays the guitar and eats cake. And that was just while New Orleans was drowning.

The only way I can control my anger is to separate Republicans into two groups. The REAL republicans, like my brother, who take their principles seriously and can maintain their common sense despite their loyalties.

Then there is the Busheviks. You know what? I am going to stop right there for a moment because my damn head may explode if I do not kick something 'til it screams in pain. (Told you I am not that kind of liberal). At least I am honest about why I would be driven to torture something.

The Busheviks. 12345678910. Breathe in. Breathe...

Halliburton. Delay. Abramoff. Ken Lay. Harris, Frist, Roberts and Robertson, too. Fox News, The Blair Witch Project of the U.K.. Hamid Karzi. CurveBall. Judy Miller, Chris Matthews, Bill O'Rielly, and Little Lush Limpball, too. Rummy, Dick, and Jeff Gannon. Scalia, Rove, Myers, and Alberto 'The Electrode' Gonzales.

All Busheviks. We are infested with them. They have high jacked the G.O.P. What in the hell are REAL republicans going to do about it? People are still dying while you waffle in confusion. As Bush redefines the US Constitution to his own whims, you sit in a lock stepped silence.

Liberal like Gandhi. Breathe in. Breathe out. Honestly it is not working anymore. Which brings me back to this reaching out thing. Somebody better put a leash on your boy. It was all fun and games until people started dying for no reason at all. Do not think the people that got rich from those deaths are not suspect. I am sick of seeing REAL republicans, like John McCain grovel for scraps at the foot of this man and his friends. It is a disgusting display of the subjugation of good men.

Oh, and just so it is very clear, Bush did not 'mislead' you. He LIED to you, just like he did everybody else. Just because you are a registered republican does not give you a magic shield, that will some how let you avoid the ramifications of it. If thousands of people died because I lied you would have arrested me already, so what exactly are you waiting for? When is the right time to do the right thing?

The Republicans that protect the Busheviks and whitewash their crimes are the problem, not the solution. Do not pretend for a moment longer it is not your collective fault for choosing to protect a Saudi loving president even as he lies to you right to your faces. It is hard for me to believe that REAL republicans would sit there while McCain grovels to try to avoid more attacks on his wife and kids, but here we are in these times.

As it stands right now, the only way for liberals, democrats, independents, and moderate conservatives to do anything about it will require us to plant our collective feet right in the middle of your foreheads. Is that what you really, really want? I mean, REALLY?

See the kind of liberal that I am, says 'Let's Roll'. It would be much easier to slap you from your ivory towers then to explain, once again, that Bill Clinton has not been president for over 6 years, Michael Moore was never sued for slander, and, no, Saddam did not have a damn thing to do with 911.

Oh, and it DID happen on your boys watch. What did you EVER do about it? As far as I know, I am the only person in America who does not understand what the missile silos on top of the White House really are for then? Talk about the lap dogs that did not bark.

Now, to the REAL republicans, what exactly are you going to do about all this and when should we expect you to act to stop the murderous and greed driven acts of your leaders? I mean, it is only our entire empire and countless lives at stake. To identify the problem, please seek out a mirror. You do not have to sacrifice our nation for George W. Bush and nothing more. Look deep into that mirror, and know you have a choice.

It is either George or the Constitution. For one to continue and remain, the other must fall. That is the only choices you have left. It is the only choice he has left you with. Choose wisely.

If protecting George Bush from the accountability of his own administrations crimes is more important to you then upholding the US Constitution then you are NOT a real republican. You are a Bushevik. And history will roast you all over a spit in hell, where the cravenly and murderous belong.


Blogger dwahzon said...

Well said Christy.

I think you might appreciate the perspective that the NY Times book review of Kevin Phillip's new book adds to what you've said.

19/3/06 1:33 PM  

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