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Sunday, February 20, 2005

What's in Christys' E-Mail?

How is it that someone with no press credentials was selected to ask questions at presidential press conferences?

Why don't you tell Congress where you stand? Here, we'll make it easy for you. All you have to do is fill in one form now and with one click we will send your personal message to both of your senators, your house representative too. We'll even look them up based on your address and tell you who they are. Just a few simple words from you mean more than any form letter can.

Please read the question carefully to make sure your vote matches your comments.

It now appears that someone with no credible journalistic experience was granted featured status at White House press conferences. The issue is not whether Mr. Guckert (Jeff Gannon) may have moonlighted as a male prostitute. The real question is whether the press itself, in the exercise of it professionalism, should exert more control over the questioning process. If you think the press corps is sufficiently enabled to live up to its responsibilities now, then vote "No", otherwise if you believe we should turn this rock over and find out why the tough questions are not being asked, then vote "Yes".

Even if you don't think your particular representatives would agree with your position it is important for them to hear from you.


---This is a GREAT way to contact ALL your Reps. at once. Let them know how you feel about State Secrets being passed to a gay hooker!---


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