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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A salute to our gallant allies in Iraq

February 27, 2005, updated March 1, 2005

Obtaining allies in the war in Iraq has not been easy. Keeping them has not been easy either. But many women and men from other countries have served with us in Iraq, and still are serving. Regardless of what their politicians have done or are going to do about their continued presence there, these courageous soldiers deserve a salute from all Americans, all those who have come and gone, and those who remain.

We searched for recent photography and went back through our own archives. We do not have photos of them all. All those who have fought by our side in Iraq, we salute you! Thank you, and God's speed.

We'll present them in alphabetical order to reflect our view that regardless of how many from each nation were sent, each of those who were sent did their duty. We salute you!



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