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Thursday, April 07, 2005

(Christy Said)

Jimmy Carters Not INVITED?

I swear I just heard CNN a little earlier annouce that
GW Bush, Clinton, and GH Bush are on thier way to the Vatican,
but Jimmy Carter was 'Not Invited.'

Thier WH statement said there was 'Not enough room in the official delegation.'......
WHHHHAAAAAA?????Un Fucking Believable.

My thoughts on this:

A war declared because of the lies of a so called Christian Administration

An illegal occupation

The Murder of 100000 Iraqi Women and children of god on his command

The Death of 1533 American Military Sons and Daughters

That we know of:

How many maimed and wounded maybe up to 10000 __ 14000

That we know of:

Visits Vatican City the House of God for people of the Catholic faith here on earth While a True man of peace Jimmy Carter is not invited

Says it all for me it is not worth one minute of my time


Blogger Christy said...

hello Matt

Our Rossi is spot on...Thats why we pay her the big bucks.

7/4/05 11:07 AM  

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