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Sunday, May 15, 2005


The Sunday Times - World

Revealed: Israel plans strike on Iranian nuclear plant
Uzi Mahnaimi

ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans for a combined air and ground attack on targets in Iran if diplomacy fails to halt the Iranian nuclear programme.

The inner cabinet of Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, gave “initial authorisation” for an attack at a private meeting last month on his ranch in the Negev desert.

Israeli forces have used a mock-up of Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment plant in the desert to practise destroying it. Their tactics include raids by Israel’s elite Shaldag (Kingfisher) commando unit and airstrikes by F-15 jets from 69 Squadron, using bunker-busting bombs to penetrate underground facilities.

The plans have been discussed with American officials who are said to have indicated provisionally that they would not stand in Israel’s way if all international efforts to halt Iranian nuclear projects failed.

Tehran claims that its programme is designed for peaceful purposes but Israeli and American intelligence officials — who have met to share information in recent weeks — are convinced that it is intended to produce nuclear weapons.


---GEEE Thats REAL FREAKING CONVIENANT... Are you Saddam WMD convinced...? OR there was no reason to think an insurgency would ensue CONVINCED..? Now see cheney (the bastard) OUTRIGHT TOLD Isreal oh a few months ago or so, that when it comes to attacking Iran they need to go ahead and DO THAT AND let US worry about the FALLOUT...And its REALLY good timing considering the whistleblowers say we have always planned to INVADE IRAN right about the beginning of summer, anyway.

EVER WONDER WHERE THE BAD IRAQI WMD INTELL CAME FROM....? Damn good question ain't it..? Try calling ARIEL SHARON, (nicknamed by OTHER ISREALIS 'The Butcher')... I BET a gabillion dollars he knows where it came from. Ok TWO gabillion.---


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