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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Interview: Ambassador Wilson, husband of outed CIA agent, sees larger Administration role in leak

Larisa Alexandrovna

Reconstructing the leak

Raw Story’s Larisa Alexandrovna: Ambassador Wilson, much of the attention regarding the leaking of your wife’s identity has centered on the press and how the press obtained that information. I would like to start our discussion by focusing on the “other” side of the leak, in other words, how the leaked information was obtained. Obviously you may not be at liberty to answer some of these questions.

Ambassador Joseph Wilson: Right, but go ahead and ask the question and I will see what I can do.

The Administration's work up

Raw Story: Let’s start with what your theory is on how the highly classified status of your wife as a NOC (a person of Non-Official Cover and a high level CIA asset) was leaked to others outside of the CIA. What is your theory and how have you come to it?

Wilson: Well, my view of this is based on what people have told me. It is not so much my theory but what others have told me about this.

Shortly after Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei (Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency) announced to the UN Security Council in March, 2003 that the documents that the State Department provided him were forgeries, I went on CNN and said that I thought the government new more about this than it was letting on.

My understanding is that shortly thereafter, a meeting was held - sometime in March of 2003 - in the offices of the Vice President at which it was decided to do a “work up” on me. A work up means to run an intel op to glean all the information you can about “me.” My understanding is that at a minimum, [Cheney's chief of staff] Scooter Libby was at this meeting.

But in retrospect looking at this, the natural group [of people] who would meet to discuss something like this would be the White House Iraq Group (WHIG).

Raw Story: Right, and the group includes Karl Rove as part of that main group of six.

Wilson: Yes, that would include Rove. I believe it is Rove, Karen Hughes, Libby, and others.
Raw Story: Also: Andrew Card, Mary Matlin and James Wilkinson as well as others who advised then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and her deputy Stephen Hadley.

Wilson: That would be the natural group because they were constituted to spin the war, so they would be naturally the ones to try to deflect criticism. Now, some of those people would have very high security clearances.

Raw Story: How many people would have known or would have actually had access to the knowledge of your wife’s NOC status outside of the CIA, including the Justice Department, Department of Defense and so forth? What would be the number, for example, of people “in the know?”

Wilson: I have no idea, but the number would be very restricted. It would be restricted to those who had the appropriate security clearances, have a need to know, and were actually involved in working on issues with her.

Raw Story: What type of clearances would Karl Rove have?

Wilson: I don’t know the type of clearances Rove has, but Scooter in the context of his NSA status, would have very high level clearances.

During the course of doing the so called “work up” on me, they apparently uncovered Valerie’s name. Even though she has been Valerie Wilson since were married on April 3rd 1998. And indeed that was the name she was known by in her office.

Raw Story: Why her maiden name then? What does using her maiden name represent?
Wilson: Well I don’t know what it represents, whether or not it might mean that the source of the leak may have been somebody who knew her before we got married.

Raw Story: Could using her maiden name have been just another way of sending a message by perhaps exposing her history and family?

Wilson: That is interesting. I had not thought of that, but I doubt it

Theories and motives >>>continued

Definitely a must read



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