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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Go back America. Something is amiss. Namely, Osama bin Laden.

In the current situation, I think it is VERY SAFE to assume that we all pretty much know bush lied about Iraq. We all have watched as these lies unfolded into disaster after disaster that brings home our bravest in boxes.

When I think back on it, I remember, VERY clearly, it was NOT the WMD lie that made my fellow Americans kneejerk ourselves into attacking Iraq with no basis. I remember very clearly, bush said WMD and the American people responded by saying, "Oh, yes. Ofcourse he has these weapons. Donald Rumsfield sold them to him."

Even if they did not evoke that famous handshaking incident, the 'fact' Iraq had WMD caused almost no gut reaction. I remember, the dogs of WAR were still in their cages, even if they were barking loudly, rabidly.

Of course Saddam was a bad guy with some nasty secrets in his closet. It was surprisingly the one thing we all agreed on. We agreed easily.

When the WMD lie came about and rolled through the population without the nationalistic uproar certain war mongers wanted, they not only changed the reasoning, they went MUCH MUCH further than that. A lie perpetuates itself in every telling and MUST multiply to defend the original lie. To shield the original crime. Before we could go back to the beginning and sort it all out, the war mongers did it for us in an unthinkable way.

They lied again, and connected Saddam to 911.

We KNOW they did this. We ALL saw it. The kneejerck reaction took hold and America was pissed off all over again and itching for some Arab payback. Nationalisim replaced patriotisim. Ignorance became a blissful way to 'innocently' call other good decent Americans traitors for questioning these 'misspeaks' that killed THOUSANDS of people more. Young and old alike.

The 911/Saddam lie did one HUGE favor to the warmongers right off. It further confused the day the dying started. Therein lies the rub. The more confused it is, the less likely we can go back and find the TRUTH of what happened that day.

Unless you are still simple enough to believe 'They attacked us because they hate our freedom!', logical America is now awake to the fact that lies are rarely as simple as the liar seems to be. In fact, the simplicity, itself, is perhaps the most lethal and most important lie of them all. The liar knows the more simple and basic the lie seems, the closer it comes to satifying the ego of logic. Even without satifying the truth of it.

In other words, the liar MUST appear simple, lest his REAL motives, or crimes, be hinted at.

The war mongers tell us finding bin laden is, well, complicated. Too complicated for us regular folk to get. However as soon as the complication is picked at, they return to the appearence of being simple themselves.

'Because they hate our freedom.' 3000 INNOCENT people died that day. It was slightly more complicated than freedom hating.

The question is not wether the war mongers used 911 to hide Iraq lies. The question is wether Iraq was used to hide the lies of 911.

Perhaps the reason no one can seem to break through the warmongers jingos is because you are NOT ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS.

THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of people are DEAD. Don't you think we are long overdue for going back to the beginning, and finding the NEXUS of the lies? Even as I write this the ORIGINAL TRUTH is systimaticaly being erased from our collective memories. The ORIGINAL SIN still fouls us all with the smell of unexplained death.

In America 2005, even the dead are still haunted.

We have lost more than our freedom with the subversion of our fear. We are losing our very soul as a nation. The skyline of New York still bears a GAPING wound that our collective tears can never wash away, can never cleanse.But we CAN be healed. We can thrust our wounds into the cold light of day. And give them the fresh air they need to draw out the lies that have infected our entire way of life. Until we do, the dying will continue.

It is time to go back to the day the lies started killing innocents in droves in the middle of our own cities. It is time to ask the warmongers deeper questions about something they so obviously want ONLY our knee jerk reaction too.

It is time to bring honor to our betrayed dead by seeking out WHY they had to die so horribly. Anyone who continues to LIE about the facts of that day should run the risk of being hanged as surely as we strung up Benedict Arnold.

If ANYONE needs a place to start in the questioning, go to Henry Kissenger. Start with the insurance fourtune he made off the attacks on the WTC, and his later appointment to the 911 Commission. Ask rummy about the Pentagon 'missing' ONE FOURTH of its' ENTIRE budget, as he announced on Sept 10th. Then ask about Saudis.

Go back America. Something is amiss. Namely, Osama bin Laden.

Go back to the scene of the crime. And as you stand there question every single detail that don't jive. And then ask yourself...

Is this where the lies start, or is it where they end...?

Christy Cole


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