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Sunday, September 18, 2005

FOCUS | Bolton Visited Judith Miller...

By E&P Staff

Published: September 17, 2005 11:15 AM ET

NEW YORK Increasingly overlooked or forgotten by the media in recent weeks, jailed New York Times reporter Judith Miler has still received plenty of upclose and personal support. According to a document, exactly 99 friends or supporters (or former sources) visited her between her July 6 detention and Labor Day. Among them, confirming earlier rumors, was John R. Bolton, the new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Others on the list: Tom Brokaw, film director Irwin Winkler, Richard Clarke and two of his former aides, Iraqi weapons hunter Charles Duelfer, Bob Dole, publisher Mort Zuckerman, Sen. Arlen Spector, and famed book editor Alice Mayhew. Many more are turned away, as Miller and an assistant to her lawyer manage the flood of requests.

"She's very popular, and it's kind of hard to get on the schedule," longtime friend Ellen Chesler, who visited Miller in July but has not been able to get back in since, told the Washington Post, which obtained the document.

One court official familiar with her schedule told the Post: "She's running an office down there."

The Post reported that as a low-risk prisoner, Miller, 57, is generally allowed as many as three visitors a day for a total of 30 minutes.

Miller's attorney, Robert S. Bennett, said jail authorities give his client no special treatment.

“Bolton's visit raised some eyebrows in Washington,” the Post said. “A vocal defender of administration claims in 2003 that Iraq was seeking weapons of mass destruction, he could have had access to a State Department memo, parts of which were classified, that detailed Wilson's trip to Niger to determine whether Iraq was seeking uranium there and identified his wife as a covert CIA operative. Who saw or discussed the memo has been a central question for Fitzgerald.

“Bolton declined through a spokesman to discuss his visit to Miller or his reasons for going. ‘This has nothing to do with his job here,' the spokesman said. 'He doesn't want to talk about it.’”

Miller will remain jailed for another month or more, when the grand jury investigating the Plame/CIA leak will probably disband.

"Well, she's not the most famous person we have here," one employee at the detention center, which also houses convicted al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, told the Post "But she does have some visitors."

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