Media Matters for America
Here are the latest items from Media Matters for America, click on 'read more' to read the entire item.
Following White House's lead, Special Report investigation into Katrina response shifted blame to state, local officials
In news segments on four successive nights, correspondents for Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume have focused blame for the widely criticized response to Hurricane Katrina almost entirely on state and local officials, largely ignoring the federal government's widely reported failures in handling the hurricane and its aftermath. Special Report's focus on the failures of state and local officials reflected an alleged White House public relations strategy -- as recently reported by The New York Times and The Washington Post -- to deflect blame onto the Louisiana governor and state agencies.
Wash. Post echoed Bush administration's false claim that federal agencies "function as backup" in a disaster
In a September 9 Washington Post article, staff writer Bradley Graham falsely claimed that under the National Response Plan (NRP) developed after 9-11, federal agencies "are supposed to function as backup to state and local ones" in the event of a catastrophe, echoing statements made by Bush administration officials. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security's NRP clearly states that in catastrophic cases, the federal government should adopt a "proactive" response and operate independently of state governments to provide disaster relief.
In two front-page articles, Wash. Post presented falsehoods, distortions masking Bush administration's apparent Katrina failures
In consecutive front-page reports, The Washington Post featured mischaracterizations and outright falsehoods that had the effect of masking the Bush administration's apparent culpability in the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans.
Kondracke called Democratic opposition to GOP-led Katrina probe "abusive" and "bordering on disgraceful," ignored context of Pelosi's criticism of Bush
On the September 8 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume, Roll Call executive editor Morton M. Kondracke described as "abusive" and "bordering on disgraceful" the refusal of Democrats to participate in a new Republican-controlled joint congressional committee that would investigate the federal government's handling of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Kondracke also attacked House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for publicly calling President Bush "oblivious" but ignored the full context of her criticism.
Glenn Beck called hurricane survivors in New Orleans "scumbags," said he "hates" 9-11 families
Nationally syndicated Clear Channel radio host Glenn Beck referred to survivors of Hurricane Katrina who remained in New Orleans as "scumbags." Also, after acknowledging that nobody "in their right mind is going to say this out loud," Beck attacked victims of the disaster in general and the families of victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying: "I didn't think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims."
Fox touts misleading Red Cross account to blame Blanco
Fox News and other conservative media, including nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh and popular weblogs, have loudly and repeatedly touted statements made this week by American Red Cross president and CEO Marsha J. "Marty" Evans that Louisiana state homeland security officials blocked Red Cross efforts to enter New Orleans to deliver food, water, and other critical provisions to victims of Hurricane Katrina because the state officials did not want to provide an incentive for people to stay in the city. But a review of public statements by Red Cross officials -- who originally agreed that requests or directives by state and local officials that Red Cross relief workers stay out of the city were made because the city was not safe -- shows they have subtly shifted their rhetoric regarding who was responsible for barring the Red Cross, whether it was an outright bar or a request, and what the reason was for the authorities' not wanting Red Cross relief workers to go into the city, undermining the Fox News report.
Krauthammer: Blaming Katrina disaster on Bush policies is like burning witches, massacring Jews
Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer opined that blaming the devastation of Hurricane Katrina on global warming, the Iraq war, or tax cuts favored by the Bush administration is an indication that "our progressive thinkers have not progressed an inch" from "less enlightened times," when "witches were burned" and "Jews were massacred" in response to natural disasters.
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Following White House's lead, Special Report investigation into Katrina response shifted blame to state, local officials
In news segments on four successive nights, correspondents for Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume have focused blame for the widely criticized response to Hurricane Katrina almost entirely on state and local officials, largely ignoring the federal government's widely reported failures in handling the hurricane and its aftermath. Special Report's focus on the failures of state and local officials reflected an alleged White House public relations strategy -- as recently reported by The New York Times and The Washington Post -- to deflect blame onto the Louisiana governor and state agencies.
Wash. Post echoed Bush administration's false claim that federal agencies "function as backup" in a disaster
In a September 9 Washington Post article, staff writer Bradley Graham falsely claimed that under the National Response Plan (NRP) developed after 9-11, federal agencies "are supposed to function as backup to state and local ones" in the event of a catastrophe, echoing statements made by Bush administration officials. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security's NRP clearly states that in catastrophic cases, the federal government should adopt a "proactive" response and operate independently of state governments to provide disaster relief.
In two front-page articles, Wash. Post presented falsehoods, distortions masking Bush administration's apparent Katrina failures
In consecutive front-page reports, The Washington Post featured mischaracterizations and outright falsehoods that had the effect of masking the Bush administration's apparent culpability in the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans.
Kondracke called Democratic opposition to GOP-led Katrina probe "abusive" and "bordering on disgraceful," ignored context of Pelosi's criticism of Bush
On the September 8 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume, Roll Call executive editor Morton M. Kondracke described as "abusive" and "bordering on disgraceful" the refusal of Democrats to participate in a new Republican-controlled joint congressional committee that would investigate the federal government's handling of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Kondracke also attacked House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for publicly calling President Bush "oblivious" but ignored the full context of her criticism.
Glenn Beck called hurricane survivors in New Orleans "scumbags," said he "hates" 9-11 families
Nationally syndicated Clear Channel radio host Glenn Beck referred to survivors of Hurricane Katrina who remained in New Orleans as "scumbags." Also, after acknowledging that nobody "in their right mind is going to say this out loud," Beck attacked victims of the disaster in general and the families of victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying: "I didn't think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims."
Fox touts misleading Red Cross account to blame Blanco
Fox News and other conservative media, including nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh and popular weblogs, have loudly and repeatedly touted statements made this week by American Red Cross president and CEO Marsha J. "Marty" Evans that Louisiana state homeland security officials blocked Red Cross efforts to enter New Orleans to deliver food, water, and other critical provisions to victims of Hurricane Katrina because the state officials did not want to provide an incentive for people to stay in the city. But a review of public statements by Red Cross officials -- who originally agreed that requests or directives by state and local officials that Red Cross relief workers stay out of the city were made because the city was not safe -- shows they have subtly shifted their rhetoric regarding who was responsible for barring the Red Cross, whether it was an outright bar or a request, and what the reason was for the authorities' not wanting Red Cross relief workers to go into the city, undermining the Fox News report.
Krauthammer: Blaming Katrina disaster on Bush policies is like burning witches, massacring Jews
Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer opined that blaming the devastation of Hurricane Katrina on global warming, the Iraq war, or tax cuts favored by the Bush administration is an indication that "our progressive thinkers have not progressed an inch" from "less enlightened times," when "witches were burned" and "Jews were massacred" in response to natural disasters.
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