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Monday, November 14, 2005

Katrina prisoner

For those who might have missed his story, Jim had been arrested and jailed in Bernard Parish near New Orleans. He had been advised by his legal aid lawyer that if he pleaded guilty on August 27, when he would be brought to court, the charges to be reduced to a misdemeanor and be released for time served. That's what he expected, but then came Katrina and all bets were off.

It's been over 2 ½ months now since Jimbo began his Odyssey on August 28, 2005, the day after he expected to go free. when he was sitting in jail waiting for his court date. Two months later, he is still sitting in jail with no attorney and no court date scheduled.

Earlier this week Jimbo called his Mom to tell her they have been moved from the "visiting shed" to the main prison at Angola. He has not yet been brought before any judge to be charged or make his plea. How long can an American citizen be held without being charged with anything? Note: it was written before he was transferred.

Below I give you Jimbo's 3rd letter to his Mom. If his tone is different, it might be because unlike when he wrote the first two, he is now aware that his words are being repeated on the internet. Also attached, is a letter he and a fellow inmate collaborated on describing their ordeal. His previous correspondence can be found at http://slickmisc.spunge.org/list/200510/

Now, direct from Camp-D Visit Shed run by the Great State of Louisiana, in Angola, La, here's Jimbo's latest letter to come into my possession. I feel like I know him.

Dearest Mom,

Hey! How are you doing? I'm ok, I guess. I was surprised to get to talk to you the other day. We can't use the phone any more, cause a guy was calling a 13-year-old girl. So the state police came up here, and the warden won't let us sue the phone. You can call up here and talk to Mrs Peggy, and she will come get me for the phone like she did.

Thank you for sending me money. It helps a lot. Well there is not much to talk about, cause we do the same thing very day. Stay on the floor, on our own mattress.

Did you get a hold of the people from FEMA? If so, write back let me know if I can get the money, or any kind of help from them when I get out.

Did you try to call my court appointed lawyer yet? Can you try to call the attorney general office to if you can find out anything. Who is the lawyer you told me about? Is he any good? Does he think I will get a settlement out of this mess? [There is no lawyer. This was a miscommunication.]

Well, here is the detailed letter of what happened to me from the time I left St Bernard. I let a friend write it cause I get in too much of a hurry, and my writing is messy.

I'm going to tell FEMA I lost all my tools and all my clothes. I hope they can help me.

Write me back ASAP, and let me know more about this lawyer. Can he help me get of of here? I'm ready to get out and go back to work in Texas. I'll never come back down here, not unless it's for work. I can't stand it any more.


Oh, yeah! I wear a size 34 x 34 jeans, extra large shirts and a size 9 shoe.

Did you get those newspaper clippings? Write me back and let me know if you get this letter too. o.k.

Well, I'll let you go for now. Write back ASAP. I love you Mom.

Love Jim

PS Give Ting & Snow [Mom's dogs] a hug & kiss for me.

------ End of Forwarded Message


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