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Monday, November 14, 2005

U.S. intelligence sources also report the presence of senior Al Qaeda financial leaders in Iraq

.S. intelligence sources also report the presence of senior Al Qaeda financial leaders in Iraq, leaders who were permitted to come and go at ease by the Coalition Provisional Authority of Jerry Bremer. These Al Qaeda officials were moving large sums of gold to cities like Samara, Baghdad, and Fallujah because gold untraceable and easily converted into cash at Arab money exchanges in Mecca, Amman, Dubai, and London. In fact, Saudi Arabia permitted these Al Qaeda money movers and their political leaders to enter Iraq after they had been witnessed exhorting the faithful to attack Israelis and Americans from pulpits right in the heart of Mecca. The Saudi funding of Al Qaeda in Iraq is based on gold transfers through 8 to 10 transfer points. If the Saudis and Al Qaeda suspect anyone has tracked the gold shipments, the gold bars are melted, renumbered, and resent. The Samara gold exchange, in operation for some 2000 years, was a key transfer point for the Saudis and Al Qaeda.

"Al Qaeda" in Iraq: Made in Mecca, not Damascus, Tehran, or anywhere else for that matter

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