Wife of Jordan bomber confesses

November 14, 2005 - 7:11AM
A woman in Jordanian custody said in a televised confession she had tried to blow herself up alongside her husband in an Amman hotel last week.
"We went into the hotel. He [my husband] took a corner and I took another. There was a wedding in the hotel. There were women and children," the 35-year-old woman, whom police identified as Sajida al-Rishawi, said on state-run television.
Looking nervous and wringing her hands, al-Rishawi described Wednesday's attack on the Radisson SAS, one of three hotels targeted.
"My husband executed the attack. I tried to detonate and it failed," she said, sitting in front of the cameras with the defused suicide-belt bomb strapped around her waist.
"People fled running and I left running with them."
Her husband, Ali Hussein Ali al-Shamari, 35, was identified today as one of three Iraqi men who carried out bombings on three Amman hotels killing 57 people.
"My name is Sajida Mabruk Atrous Rishawi, born in 1970 in Ramadi. I entered Jordan on November 5 with falsified Iraq passports in which the name of my husband was Ali Hussein Ali and mine was Sajida Abdel Kader Latif," she said, wearing a white headscarf and a black coat.
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