McCain says some torture justified
Make up your mind it is either justified or it is not justified, that is it Wanker
Monday, December 19, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 AM
McCain says some torture justified
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Sen. John McCain, who pushed the White House to support a ban on torture, suggested Sunday that harsh treatment of a terrorism suspect who knew of an imminent attack would not violate international standards.
The Arizona Republican said legislation before Congress would establish in U.S. law the international standard banning any treatment of prisoners that "shocks the conscience."
That would include, McCain said, mock executions and "water boarding," in which a subject is made to think he is drowning.
Asked on ABC's "This Week" whether such treatment of a terrorism suspect who could reveal information that could stop a terrorist operation would shock the conscience, McCain said it would not.
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