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Friday, December 02, 2005

O’Reilly Takes Credit For Lower Gas Prices…

Sicko go wank youself you should be good at it. my babies would not be afraid of you, you deadbeat.

Think Progress December 1, 2005 at 03:24 PM

In an interview yesterday with Fox News’s Neil Cavuto, Bill O’Reilly claimed that his reporting intimidated oil company CEOs into lowering gasoline prices:

O’REILLY: I have guys inside the five major oil companies - my father used to work for one of those oil companies by the way - who have told me that in those meetings they look for every way to jack up oil prices after Katrina, every way, when they didn’t have to. They got scared because of my reporting and reporting of some others. They said, “Uh ho.”


Update: The Bill O'Reilly Blacklist

As promised, Bill O’Reilly has published his enemies list. All three of them. That’s right, out of the ever-expanding media universe, O’Reilly has identified just the New York Daily News, the St. Petersburg Times, and MSNBC as having “regularly helped distribute defamation and false information”. Perhaps sensing that his ballyhooed dishonor roll was a little light on enemies -- nowhere near the 205 Communists working in the State Department Joe McCarthy claimed to have on a list -- O’Reilly promised to “add more names to this list”. Let me give him a hand. Actually 20,000 hands -- belonging to the 10,000 people who have proudly signed on to HuffPost’s “Join the O’Reilly Blacklist” campaign.



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