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Sunday, December 18, 2005

U.S. studying wall along Canadian border

Toronto Star

U.S. studying wall along Canadian border
Dec. 17, 2005. 07:46 PM

WASHINGTON (CP) — Canada has no interest in a new U.S. initiative to study building a security wall along the border, officials said Saturday.

And a cross-border business group said it makes no sense when what's urgently required are measures to speed the flow of trade.

The study "on the use of physical barriers" was slipped into an amendment to a bill on border security and illegal immigration passed Friday by the U.S. House of Representatives.

The amendment, sponsored by California Republican Duncan Hunter, also approved building security fences with lights and cameras along more than 1,000 kilometres of the U.S.-Mexico border in four states to keep out illegal aliens and drugs.

The move comes amid heightened bilateral tensions arising from Canada's election campaign. But U.S. sources said it was prompted by southern U.S. politicians anxious to assure constituents they're not penalizing one border over another.



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