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Monday, January 09, 2006

Man ThinkProgress.Org is good. We do not ask for money, but if ya just need to give some away, throw it their way.

Via ThinkProgress.org

It’s a family affair.

“Jack Abramoff’s parents, brother and sister-in-law gave at least $8,000 to President Bush’s second campaign—all on the same day in June 2003.”


Bremer Whitewashes His Record In Iraq »

Today, Paul Bremer, the former head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, releases a new book on his year in Iraq. Bremer is currently embarking on a media tour to pitch the book, and in doing so, is contradicting many of the false assertions he made about Iraq while he was in a position of authority.


Bremer Now: I Wanted More Troops

B. WILLIAMS: Just days after he got the job, Bremer says he saw an alarming report from a think tank, concluding it would take three times more US troops to stabilize Iraq than had actually been sent. He says he tried to get the attention of his direct boss—Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. You’ll need a half million soldiers. It’s a piece of paper you sent to Secretary Rumsfeld. How did he react to that?

BREMER: So I sent a summary of it around to Rumsfeld and just said, “I thought you should take a look at this.” I never had any reaction from him. [NBC Dateline, 1/8/06]

Bremer Then: I Have Enough Troops

Q: Is the current troops strength adequate to produce the security that you’ll think is need now?

BREMER: Yeah I think it is. [Briefing, 7/24/03]


Bremer Now: We Didn’t See The Insurgency Coming

WILLIAMS: Whose fault is it that no one saw the insurgency coming?

BREMER: You know I’ve thought about that as I looked back a lot, because we really didn’t see the insurgency coming. [NBC Dateline, 1/8/06]

Bremer Then: We Saw The Insurgency Coming

Q: Do you think that some of Saddam’s forces already had plans for opposition, even before the war began, and that they prepositioned personnel and weaponry before the war?

BREMER: Well, it’s possible. There has been some evidence of planning for the possibility of losing the war militarily and going into some kind of insurgency or organized resistance.
[Fox News Sunday, 7/20/03]



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