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Monday, March 13, 2006

CIA Contract Given To Company That Bribed Jailed Congressman Under Investigation...

Newsweek Mark Hosenball March 12, 2006 at 02:03 PM
READ MORE: Investigations, CIA

The CIA's inspector general is examining a recent contract the agency gave to an obscure Virginia company headed by a relative of Brent Wilkes, an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal bribery case against former San Diego congressman Randy (Duke) Cunningham. The contract was issued by the logistics office of the agency's main base near Frankfurt, Germany, at a time that office was headed by agency veteran Kyle (Dusty) Foggo, now the CIA's third-ranking official; Foggo and Wilkes have been friends since childhood. The IG's investigation of Foggo's relationship with Wilkes is a consequence of Wilkes's role as "Co-conspirator No. 1" in the Cunningham case. Cunningham recently was jailed for more than eight years; in one document, prosecutors say "Co-conspirator No. 1" agreed to give Cunningham $525,000 in return for $6 million in government contracts. Four sources familiar with the probe, who asked for anonymity because inquiries are ongoing, told NEWSWEEK the IG is looking at a specific contract awarded to Archer Logistics, headed by Joel Combs, a Wilkes nephew and business associate.



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