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Sunday, March 12, 2006

(Wm Kristol on Fox "News") Rove Asked DPW To Drop Deal

Fox News Alert: Rove Asked DPW to Drop Deal

Reported by Judy - March 10, 2006

William Kristol says that the United Arab Emirates dropped the plan to operate six major U.S. ports because the White House asked them to "pull the plug."

Appearing on "Your World with Neil Cavuto" on Friday (March 10, 2006), Kristol lamented the loss of the deal by which Dubai Ports World purchased the contract for operating the ports from a British corporation, P&O.

Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, said he thought Bush could have won over Congressional Republicans to the matter if he had been around to fight the issue. But instead, he issued the veto threat and then went overseas to India and Pakistan for two weeks, allowing opposition to grow unchecked, Kristol said.

"Karl Rove calls the people in Dubai two nights ago and tells them pull the plug on the deal, and I think as a result, the president looks weak, frankly," Kristol said.

Cavuto never followed up Kristol's remark about Rove having initiated the ending of the deal.

Earlier, Fox News had been reporting that the American head of DPW called Sen. John Warner, R-Va., on Thursday and gave him the word that the company was dropping out of operating the ports.

Categories: Cavuto/& Your World, Homeland Security, Judy's Jottings, War on Terror

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