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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Iraq on its own to rebuild, U.S. says

Didn't Colin Powell tell you Georgie, you break it you fix it , You were pretty happy to bomb the country of the face of the earth and kill innocent women and children in their thousands, with your WMDs releave it of all its oil resources. You broke it Georgie now you fix it.

I dont believe the Persian Gulf Nations broke it, do you. Its Amazing Georgie you are so, so good at breaking things, but so pitiful at restoring them, but then what do you expect from a spoilt child who has never achieved anything, and then been handed the White House by the supreme Court. Sick Sick Sick beyond all bounds.

By Thomas Frank

The head of the U.S.-led program to rebuild Iraq said Thursday that the Iraqi government can no longer count on U.S. funds and must rely on its own revenues and other foreign aid, particularly from Persian Gulf nations.

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My heart is Iraqi:

The present uprising of Iraqis is not merely a part of the wider struggle against savage globalisation and "free" capital; it is its forefront battle. It is because the Iraqis refuse to surrender their sovereignty to multinational corporations that Iraq is being destroyed so blatantly. We should all be humbled by the loses this people has been prepared to endure for our sake and demand the complete, unconditional and immediate withdrawal of occupation forces from Iraqi soil, along with the cancellation of any law, treaty, agreement or contract passed under occupation and the fair payment of reparations and compensations for the human and material loses the Iraqis have suffered.

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