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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Limbaugh, WBAL to part ways

WBAL Radio will drop Rush Limbaugh as part of an effort to revamp its programming lineup.

The nationally syndicated conservative commentator will air his last show on WBAL Radio May 31.

Thereafter, "The Rush Limbaugh show" will air on another station in Baltimore, officials at Limbaugh's radio syndicate Premiere Radio Networks Inc. said Monday. Premiere Radio officials said they will make an official announcement in the "near future" about that station's identity.

"WBAL has been a great partner to Rush Limbaugh for many years," said Julie Talbott, executive vice president at Premiere Radio Networks, in a statement. "However, at this time, we're excited about a new direction the show will take in Baltimore."

Premiere Radio Networks is a subsidiary of New York-based Clear Channel Communications (NYSE: CCU).

WBAL Radio, a conservative AM radio station, issued a statement on its Web site on the programming changes, saying that they made the changes after putting "considerable time and effort" into researching what Maryland radio listeners want to hear.

The research showed that listeners like the station's local radio hosts -- Dave Durian, Chip Franklin and Ron Smith. "Listeners believe radio in Baltimore has become less local, has fewer personalities, and is too homogenized / vanilla," the statement read.

The station plans to increase its news and traffic coverage and will begin broadcasting Baltimore Ravens football games this year.

Station officials were not available for comment Monday afternoon.


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